My formal title now is "Mad Inventor". I invent and entertain to make others see technology as magic. I use aspects of my history as a circus performer, professional whistler, roboticist, and inventor to bridge the gap between art and engineering by inventing, producing and selling an array of technological amusements and games; creating and hosting “immersive” private or community events; and producing “interactive theater” featuring puzzles, performances and video-propelled competitions.
Computer Systems Engineers / Architects
Salary Median (2020)
Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)
+5.7% (as fast as the average)
Most Common Level of Education
Bachelor's degree
Roadtrip Nation Leaders in This Career
What Computer Systems Engineers / Architects Do
Design and develop solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions.
Other Job Titles Computer Systems Engineers / Architects May Have
Electronic Data Interchange System Developer (EDI System Developer), Information Technology Architect (IT Architect), Network Engineer, Network and Infrastructure Engineer, Solutions Architect, Systems Architect, Systems Consultant, Systems Engineer
How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work
I spend most of my time having conversations with customers and understanding their needs. This can be a combination of conference calls or on-site meetings. During our conversations, we could be discussing an upcoming project / initiative or I could be demonstrating an AWS service that is of interest to them.
Tasks & Responsibilities May Include
- Verify stability, interoperability, portability, security, or scalability of system architecture.
- Develop system engineering, software engineering, system integration, or distributed system architectures.
- Collaborate with engineers or software developers to select appropriate design solutions or ensure the compatibility of system components.
- Identify system data, hardware, or software components required to meet user needs.
- Communicate with staff or clients to understand specific system requirements.
This page includes information from theO*NET 26.1 Databaseby the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under theCC BY 4.0license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.