Budget Analysts


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+2.8% (slower than the average)


Roadtrip Nation Leaders in This Career

What Budget Analysts Do

Examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures and regulations. Analyze budgeting and accounting reports.

Other Job Titles Budget Analysts May Have

Budget Analyst, Budget Coordinator, Budget Officer, Policy Analyst

How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work

Office II ,

The University of Alabama

The first thing they would see is a pile of paper work. They would also see many emails for travel requests, purchasing orders and p-card transactions.

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Summarize budgets and submit recommendations for the approval or disapproval of funds requests.
  • Analyze monthly department budgeting and accounting reports to maintain expenditure controls.
  • Examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures and regulations.
  • Direct the preparation of regular and special budget reports.
  • Provide advice and technical assistance with cost analysis, fiscal allocation, and budget preparation.

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