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Zee Avi
Zee Avi

Zee Avi

New York, NY USA

"Like anything else in life, it's a huge roller coaster ride-there'll be high times, low times, happy times, sad times, and you just have to hang on."

Career Roadmap

Zee's work combines: Acting & Theatre, Music, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life


I'm a singer/songwriter, guitarist, ukulele player and visual artist.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Fashion/Apparel Design

    American InterContinental University, England

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    She grew up on a small island east of Malaysia; her father was an energy consultant, and she felt pressured to become a lawyer.

  • 2.

    Around age 16, she was trying to find a self-identity; she got really into music and started writing her own songs and poetry.

  • 3.

    Once she had a small repertoire of songs, her friend got her a gig opening for a big local band.

  • 4.

    Another friend told her he'd help her out if she sent him an MP3 of her music; she didn't know how to only record sound, so she filmed a video.

  • 5.

    She put it up on YouTube so that he could see it; when she saw it getting views and comments, she was motivated to post more.

  • 6.

    One of her videos, "No Christmas for Me," was featured on the YouTube homepage on her 22nd birthday.

  • 7.

    Suddenly, she had calls and emails flooding her inboxes; the craziest one was a letter of interest from the manager of the White Stripes.

  • 8.

    Says every life is a roller coaster ride; there will be low times, but if you just keep hanging on, you'll get through to the high times.