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Elisabeth Hinshaw-Osgood

Elisabeth Hinshaw-Osgood


Career Roadmap

Elisabeth's work combines: Education, Travel, and Helping People

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Day In The Life


I was a Peace Corps Volunteer, an International Student Advisor, English Teacher, and Director of Study Abroad.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Claremont High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    French Studies

    California State University, Fullerton

  • Graduate Degree

    International Administration

    School for International Training, World Learning

  • Graduate Degree

    Library and Information Science

    Indiana University, School of Library and Information Science

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be an Educator:

Bachelor's Degree: French Studies

Graduate Degree: International Administration

Graduate Degree: Library and Information Science

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    First, I lived in Italy for 3 years as a kid. I went to Italian schools and learned to speak Italian fluently which helped broaden my foreign languages later.

  • 2.

    Then, I attended California State University, Fullerton majoring in French because my friend went there as well. I loved the experience of getting to experience living in "real" apartments.

  • 3.

    Then, during my attendance at Cal State University, Fullerton, I worked at the campus library. There I managed to gain friendships with my coworkers and boss and still remain in touch with them.

  • 4.

    Then, after graduating, I went on to travel to Europe for 9 months. Initially I wanted to stay longer, but knew I couldn't. When I came back home, I applied to become a Peace Corp Volunteer.

  • 5.

    Then, I got my first job as a librarian at Pomona Library. It was pretty simple for me to get this job as I already had 18 months of experience of working at CSUF.

  • 6.

    Then, after working as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I went on to return back home to Claremont and work at Honnold Library. I continued to work at Honnold Library until I went on to graduate school.

  • 7.

    While studying at School for International Training I became an International Student Advisor. The job helped me connect with students and learn more about different cultures.

  • 8.

    Then, while working at The Claremont Graduate School, I met my husband there. After graduate school, we got married and had two kids together. My family is a milestone I am proud of.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Myself:

    I faced discouragement when planning lessons while I was an English teacher as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I am very detail-oriented so I struggle with making sure that everything I want to include in my lesson plans are there.

  • How I responded:

    As an educator, I managed to deal with discouragement from myself by reminding myself that I love to teach others. While I was planning my lessons and making sure everything I wanted to teach was included, I always remembered that I loved to be in front of the classroom and teach. Although I never faced serious discouragement since I always knew what I wanted to pursue, I nevertheless faced smaller pieces of discouragement from myself.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I was born in Paris, France, but I was adopted by an American couple. So, although I am technically a first-generation immigrant I had the privilege of getting adopted by an American couple and learning about college through them.