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Nick DePalma
Nick DePalma

Nick DePalma

MIT Personal Robots Group

Boston, MA USA

"If you're still thinking about [something] in the shower…that's when you love it."

Career Roadmap

Nick's work combines: Science, Technology, and Building Things

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Day In The Life

Graduate Student

I build autonomous robotic systems for interaction. My focus is on perception, action, and sensorimotor architectures.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Computer Science

    Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

  • Graduate Degree

    Computer Science

    Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus

  • Doctorate

    Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    His love for computers and programming started with video games.

  • 2.

    First, he'd hack his computer to get the most out of his games.

  • 3.

    From there, he started physically taking clocks and computers apart and rebuilding them.

  • 4.

    He originally had a computer science degree that focused on special effects, but for his master's, he chose a specialization in robotics.

  • 5.

    Now, as he's pursuing his Ph.D., he's part of MIT's Personal Robots Group, that focuses on human/robot interaction.

  • 6.

    Time magazine named his lab's creation-Nexi, a robot that can display human emotion-one of the best inventions of 2008.

  • 7.

    Says you know you love something if you're still thinking about it in the shower.

  • 8.

    Says, unfortunately, part of becoming a professional means building a professional persona, but you can maintain your identity in outlets outside of work.