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Jean Cowan
Jean Cowan

Jean Cowan

Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE Council)

New Orleans, LA USA

"You make change no matter what—and it’s your choice what energy, what ripples, you’re putting out into the world."

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Jean's work combines: Environment & Nature, Science, and Upholding a Cause and Belief

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Day In The Life

Director of Ecosystems Restoration Programs

I conduct large-scale ecosystem restoration in the Gulf Coast.


Day In The Life Of A Director of Ecosystems Restoration

My Day to Day

I lead a staff supporting the RESTORE Council. I collaborate with diverse groups to conduct large-scale, multi-purpose, multi-agency ecosystem restoration. I lead a team that manages the monitoring and adaptive management strategies for the Council. I communicate our work to other agencies, partners, and stakeholders. I mostly work from my home in Florida. Our home office is in New Orleans and our Council members and stakeholders are all over the Gulf, so I do spend a lot of time traveling.

Skills & Education

Advice for getting started

Sometimes I've doubted my path but it's mostly been during times that I feel insecure about other people's projections about what my values should be. There have been times in my career that I could've taken a different job and made more money. But that job wouldn't have lined up as well with my values. It just takes me sitting with that realization for a while until I feel confident again that what I'm doing now really aligns with what my true core values are. That's what's most important.

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Environmental Science

    University of Virginia

  • Graduate Degree

    Marine Sciences

    University of South Alabama

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    I loved being outdoors and was passionate about the environment, so I knew I wanted to make a career out of that.

  • 2.

    I earned my bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from the University of Virginia, followed by a master’s degree in marine sciences from the University of South Alabama.

  • 3.

    I spent time working at marine research stations doing water quality research—I liked collecting data but I wanted to move into the management aspect and learn to make decisions about the data.

  • 4.

    I moved to Louisiana in 2001 and got the opportunity to work for the state at the main agency working on the massive land loss issue.

  • 5.

    When the BP oil spill happened in 2010, the entire Gulf of Mexico was affected, causing all five Gulf states to jump into restoration work.

  • 6.

    I now work for the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council where I collaborate with others to conduct large-scale, multi-purpose, multi-agency ecosystem restoration.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Myself:

    I could make more money if I just pivot and take this other job.

  • How I responded:

    Sometimes I've doubted my path but it's mostly been during times that I feel insecure about other people's projections about what my values should be. There have been times in my career that I could've taken a different job and made more money. But that job wouldn't have lined up as well with my values. It just takes me sitting with that realization for a while until I feel confident again that what I'm doing now really aligns with what my true core values are. That's what's most important.